The Intersection in Grand Rapids on Sunday wrapped up a full weekend of quality roots music with a performance by the Reverend Horton Heat. Again wielding his trademark hollow-body Gretsch guitar, the good Reverend proceeded to enthrall the faithful with his own fire-brand gospel psycho-billy. After a seemingly slow start, the Rev. (Jim Heath) got things going with the title track from "It's Martini Time." It wasn't long before the Rev. was dispensing the Christmas cheer with "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and other seasonal gems. There was even a punk rendition of Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" which only served as more fuel for the semi-crazed dancers (read moshers) down front. Speaking of down front, there was this guy who kept doing the lateral drill yelling for his favorite song, "Mar-i-juana!" until he finally got his wish about half way through. Other seasonal tidbits were in store, like "she took my sh*t in the divorce" marital bliss fodder, and "where in the hell did you go with my toothbrush" lament. The tune "Wigglestick" showed off Heat's guitar techniques, playing both lead and rhythm at the same time. With the Donna the Buffalo show on Friday at The Intersection, this weekend turned out like an early Christmas present for local roots music lovers.
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